What f**king are slowing this Weblog down?

By | 2005 年 10 月 27 日

Hi dude, you might get some disappointment with this slowing weblog.

Actually, i’m glad that i succeeded in slowing this weblog day by day at last.

So, if you guys wanna slow down your WP weblog, the following tips might help you out.

1. Spam Karma 2 – Reloaded
This powerful antispam really works perfect when there comes a rush of spam comments from those crazy online pokers. SK2 can identify comments quite intelligently, so that means you may save quite a lot of time from the endless and boring comments moderation notes.

2. WeatherIcon
This is a modifed weathericon plugin from WeatherIcon 2.0. You can see the demo just in the left column on this weblog. Pretty cool, hmmm? You can custom your own style of weather icons just by replacing your own jpg/gif/png files with the defaults.

3. Adhesive
A plugin which allows you to stick your post at the top of your weblog, you might not see and demo now, cause there is no need for me to pin any important posts. from Owen Winkler!

4. Another Random Quote
It’s a pity that, author of this fantastic plugin made his decision to stop his blogging life for a short term. So, it means that, you cannot download this project from the URL listed above. But, you might find this similar random quote plugin: Random Quotes.
Oops, i think i messed their orders.

5. Blacklist
Blacklist, another plugin which devoted to the endless fighting against the boring f**king comment spams. But, unfortunately, it’s not as smart as SK2 as i mentioned. even you have to add those spams to the black list manually, one by one!

6. Blogtimes with Icons
This plugin generates a bar graph image showing when posts are made during a period of time. I tried to put it at the bottom of this weblog several months before, but there seemed no changes to me, no matter what i did. I think that could be my fault.

7. Brian’s Threaded Comments
You might get confused with the replies in a single post of a WP blog or you have to queto somebody’s comment manually with the tags of

and . This hack enables your reply in a clear thread, so you can see how it works in my weblog. But, i haven’t customized it to fit with my weblog style. hard work.

8. Bunny’s Technorati Tags
A easy way to add Technorati tags to a post. These keywords could be displaied in your post, just as what this post shows to you.

9. Check IP Behind Proxy
Within the comment notification email, there are two IP addresses included, one is the proxy ip, and the other one is the actual ip. This plugin works well in the most of the time, but sometimes it cannot check the client public ips just behind proxies out.

10. Customizable Post Listings
This plagin can display Recent Posts, Recently Commented Posts, Recently Modified Posts, Random Posts, and other post listings using the post information of your choosing in an easily customizable manner. In a word, this is a very useful helper for your weblog’s customization.

11. del.icio.us – Bookmark this!
Bookmark blog posts to del.icio.us!

12. Democracy
Wanna to see how your blog readers feel like with your weblog? So, you wanna find a easy way to poll? Democracy makes everything clearly!
btw: Please DO make your precious vote on the automatically played background songs. The result is very very helpful for me to make my decision that whether should i close the weekly automatically played theme music or not. Do me a favour!

13. Live Comment Preview
When you’re making a comment, this plugin shows a live preview of your comment just below the comment dialog box. Cool? Hmmm, but seems some lag.

14. LMB^Box Comment Quicktags
Quicktags brings some convenience when you’re make a complex comment with a lot of links, bolds, italics, or something else. though i haven’t got the right hack to add emoticons easily, this Quicktags enables the customization of your own tags.

15. Page Navigation
Ya, You see that! What’s the difference on the wordpress welog bottom between this weblog and most of the others? isn’t it easier to navigate?

16. Google Sitemaps
This generator creates a Google compliant sitemap of your weblog. This helps you to promote your website.

17. WordPress Database Manager
Allows you to optimize database, backup database, restore database, delete backup database and run selected queries. Also, if you like, you can choose WordPress Database Backup for baking, which allows you to save the backup files on the serve, to your local harddisk or to your mailbox.

18. WP Random Title
You might have noticed this trick before just followed my Blog title. I like to change it 😛

19. WordPress Theme Manager
This Manager offers a easier way to manager your themes. It’s much more effective when there’s a large account of WP Themes, with the assistance of Theme Switcher, another theme manage tool.

20. Quicksub
Quicksub make it easier for your RSS readers to subscribe your weblog feed. you can see the beta version in the mainpage, and you can edit the CSS file to make QuickSub in your own style. But, i have to mention that, if you wanna customize the rss feed reader, add or remove, you’d better not use UE or Notepad for editing the .js file. If you insist to do so, that would cause a failure of this javascript. But, the file editor merged with WP is quite useful, and do not forget to make the file writeable(change the CHMOD to 666 via a FTP client such as FlashFXP.

Here, at last, comes to the end of this quite long, but boring and useless post, coz i have to terminate it ignoring several excellent hacks, though i thought it should be a post including all of the plugins actived in the background.

And, i do appologize for this non-sense spam and the sluggishness. I was about to write post on WP plugins in this weblog, one Chinese version, and the other English, but now the unexpectable tireness leads to the cancellation of the Simplified Chinese version. But, that’s really a luck thing. Oops, how many people are still sticking on this post till now? None? Sleepy? Wanna kick me? HiaHia, clam down! this the last english post i could make, i think.

Okay, the word below might be an exciting signal for you! Wanna know?

10 thoughts on “What f**king are slowing this Weblog down?

  1. Montie

    Hello, I found your pingback this morning and wanted to drop a line. I was wondering what you think about the new “Plugin Version Notifier” that’s currently in my LMB^Box Comment Quicktags 2.1 and up, and my LMB^Box Smileys 3.2 and up? Also, how are the latest version of both plugins working out for you? Thanks, 🙂


  2. Pal Post author

    Oops, dear Montie, the author of LMB^Box Comment Quicktags and LMB^Box Smileys. Glad to see you here!
    Actually both of them works perfectly, though there were some conflicts between Smileys and some other plugins which leed to the failure of displaying smileys and turn some tags as . But i got this problem solved by deactiving some of those plugins, though i cannot make sure which is the primary one.
    Thank you very much for you fantasy works and i think i should apologize for the improper post title…..

    Best regards,

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