Only a Hobo。没次经过他身边,犹豫着自己是否应该想象他的过往时,总是跳起这句话。这是Bob Dylan的一首歌,我把它换成了主题音乐。再次听是,歌词随着悠扬的口琴声翩翩,眼前总抹不去那个流浪汉,尽管满身的尘埃,却用他毅然的安静深藏着他的回忆与希冀。谁会去深究他是否有人同行;他是否牵挂家乡的小河,映着满天的星星;城管来时,他何处藏身;那团被褥下看不见的身躯是否藏着心酸的故事;那蓬头垢面之后是否藏着美好的回忆与无限的憧憬。不忍想。
Only a Hobo。 不只是他,也不只是Bob Dylan,或这人间苍生都是那般,匆匆的来,无所事事的躺着,然后宿命的离去。每个人的匆匆忙忙,庸庸碌碌许是那流浪汉驰骋的思绪,因为谁都看不见他在想什么。我想我也是一个Hobo,没人知道为何而来,为何而往。想起自己百合的ID,第二个ID,也叫Hobo,诞生于毕业前那段迷惘的日子。这次百合牺牲,竟忘记备份整个ID的Blog了。或许,这就是流浪汉的宿命—-永远舞蹈在自己的舞台,永远遗忘在安静的角落。
Only A Hobo
Lyrics:Bob Dylan
Music:Bob DylanAs I was out walking on a corner one day,
I spied an old hobo, in a doorway he lay.
His face was all grounded in the cold sidewalk floor
And I guess he’d been there for the whole night or more.Only a hobo, but one more is gone
Leavin’ nobody to sing his sad song
Leavin’ nobody to carry him home
Only a hobo, but one more is goneA blanket of newspaper covered his head,
As the curb was his pillow, the street was his bed.
One look at his face showed the hard road he’d come
And a fistful of coins showed the money he bummed.Only a hobo, but one more is gone
Leavin’ nobody to sing his sad song
Leavin’ nobody to carry him home
Only a hobo, but one more is goneDoes it take much of a man to see his whole life go down,
To look up on the world from a hole in the ground,
To wait for your future like a horse that’s gone lame,
To lie in the gutter and die with no name?Only a hobo, but one more is gone
Leavin’ nobody to sing his sad song
Leavin’ nobody to carry him home
Only a hobo, but one more is gone