Windows Live Messenger 8.0 Beta

By | 2005 年 11 月 04 日

MSN Messenger系列不再成为MSN Messenger了,而是更名为Windows Live Messenger 8。有兴趣的朋友不妨下来尝尝鲜。不过直接安装这个Beta文件之后是不能登陆的。幸好,这两个Patch可以帮助你:

1.WLM8patch From

1. 解压后将MSWINSCK.OCX文件复制到系统 Windows\System32 文件夹中
2. 开始-〉运行 使用regsvr32 \windows\system32\MSWINSCK.OCX命令注册该文件
3. 运行WLM8patch.exe 先点击“Patch”,再“Run Server” 并保持程序在整个过程中一直运行
4. 用你的Passport登陆Messenger 8吧~

2. MSNP13Downgrader From Mess.Be

1. 解压后运行安装文件
2. 运行Downgrader后,系统栏出现一个红色的“13”的图标
3. 运行WLM8.0,用你的Passport登陆,这个时候会在任务栏中出现一个绿色的“13”的进程


有一个意外的发现,就是在Messenger 8.0的Help中的“Beta Invites”里意外的发现了微软的一个新的网站,或许是因为我太土了吧,很久没有关注了。

这里你可以看到最新的几个in Beta的服务: beta:

Windows Live Mail beta:

Windows Live Safety Center beta

Windows Live Favorites beta
这项功能在MSN Explorer 8.5/9中就是存在的,不过是和MSNExplorer整合在一起的,如今独立出来,算是极大的方便了广大的用户了。不过整合了更多的Web2.0的特性。了解更多

Windows Live Messenger beta:

Windows OneCare Live beta

Windows Live Search beta-mobile


Welcome to Windows Live
Windows Live is a new set of Internet software and services designed to put you in control of the information, relationships and interests you care about. Windows Live will make it easier for you to connect with people, and to quickly find the information you need, more safely and securely, whether you’re on your PC or on the go. And it’s evolving every day — with your feedback, it will just keep getting better.
Your Info
It’s time to bring it all together. Every piece of information you need, from powerful search results and news to e-mail and your friends’ latest blog entries, all in one place and served up just the way you want it.

Your Connections
It’s not about technology, it’s about people and your connections to them. Flashy new features aren’t the point (though we’ve got those, too). Whether it’s e-mail, blogs, text, voice or video, what’s important is staying in touch the way you choose.

Your Security
Windows Live is being designed to let you take charge of all the elements of PC health and security—whether it’s related to IM, e-mail, virus scanning, or anything else. No stress, just seamless, comprehensive care.

So what about MSN?
Don’t worry, MSN isn’t going anywhere. It will still be a great place to get content, news and information. And, you’ll still be able to get your mail, instant messaging and search services that you know and love.
Try Windows Live now!
Check out the Windows Live Ideas page to try out some of the new services we’re working on and let us know what you think of them. We want to build these services the way you want them to be—so give them a test drive and tell us what you think.

MSN8.0测试报告(未完成) From CnBeta
Windows Live Messenger 8.0截图泄露! From PCOnline



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